Here are some articles and links I found worthwhile this week.
The Victims of Pompeii — New research based on CT scans says Pompeii's victims had great teeth and died of head injuries rather than asphyxiation, as was previously thought. This confirms ancient accounts of covering their heads with pillows as the volcano rained down. (HT: The Verge)
The Really Big One — A lengthy but gripping article on the latest research related to the Cascadia subduction zone. Scientific consensus suggests a one-in-three odds of the fault line slipping catastrophically within our lifetime. (HT: Dan York)
Private Sin, Public Fallout — Clint Archer discusses the very real consequences of sin, and how we tell ourselves we are exceptions to that rule.
What the Pill Has Wrought — A fascinating Roman Catholic perspective on the social consequences of introducing "cheap sex" to a culture.
Seb Lester's Hand Drawn Calligraphy (video) — I'm always a sucker for genuine craft, and this man has it in spades. (HT: Devour)
Photo: Michael Spotts. Purchase print »
“All flesh is like grass
and all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
and the flower falls,
but the word of the Lord remains forever.
And this word is the good news that was preached to you.”